

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Present :
oard members : Jenny Johnsen, Jochen Noesinger, Jan Verbeeck

Excused: Maureen Van Bon, Leif Grimbühler
Substitutes: Sabine Münch, Rory Miller, Jacky Ernwein

After the opening of the meeting, Jenny welcomed the members.

1. G.A. 2021 actual situation:
- The pre-invitation emails have been sent by Jan. The responses came very slow and rather difficult. Since last weekend, all the members (with exeptio of NZ what is a B-member) have answered and agreed with the procedure by e-mail.
- Board candidates and substitutes:
* due to internal problems, the Dutch studbook, represented by the new chairwoman Tienke Van der Werf refrains - in several e-mail contacts with Jan and Jenny - from active participation in the board and substitutes of FjHI until the GA of 2022. The studbook hopes to have solved the internal problems by then and will then nominate again candidates. They really want to become active in FjHI again.
This means for 2021 that both Maureen and Olaf will not be eligible for re-election on the GA of 2021.
* due to language problems, Leif also refrains from re-election in the board.
* Sabine Münch (Switserland, FjHI Substitute) and Anne Ernwein (France) put themselves forward as possible new board candidates. In consultation they decided that Sabine would fill in the candidacy for one year.
* Jenny will question Helena Kättström (Sweden) , and the Swedish Studbook, about possible interest in an election.
- Finances: Today the financial report 2020 is not yet ready. Jenny will ask Magni and Asle to have this ready by 14/05/2021. It will then be circulated to the board members. An mportant item here is the situation of the payments for 2021, so that it is clear which members are entitled to vote on the GA.
- Further timing:
- 14/05: financial report 2020
- 18/05: FjHI meeting: drawing up final invitation to the GA
- 19/05 - 22/05: sending the final documents to the members.
- 04/06: deadline for answers by members.
- 07 / 06-12 / 06: compilation of the answers in a report of the GA 2021

2. Sports Events:
• Nordic Ch. 2023: Sweden will organize.
• EU Ch 2022: organized in Denmark
New date: 28-31. July 2022 - week 30 
Germany asks whether this timing can be revised in function of the possible optimization of international participation. Especially from Germany.
Jochen will inform the IGF

3. International Judge conference: evaluation
• 13/04:
The conference itself went very smoothly.
Susan did a nice job.
The horses that Susan showed in the first part were really beautiful.
The dialogue between the different participants was instructive and showed that there is still a wide range of themes that can be further explored in the future.
• 20/04:
went very smoothly again.
The content was less appreciated by the participants. Nils was not always easy to understand, which was demotivating for the people who attended the meeting.
• General:
Participation in this first international online jury conference was a great success. We may even speak here of a historical event.
The technical organization from Norway went very well. There were some problems with the sign-ups and the sending of the inks.
We are very happy that Norway made this happen and are grateful for the energy that was put into it.
These kinds of meetings will narrow the gap between the motherland and the rest of the world. Mutual understanding and the willingness to enter into a dialogue can only benefit the worldwide cooperation around the Fjord Horse. The Fjord Horse can only benefit from this!
Many thanks to all the people who contributed to the technology, organization and content of this event.

4. Events:
• Norwegian Stallion Show:
The stallion show will be fully streamed live! We are very pleased that Norway is taking this initiative. Thus, despite the distance and the pandemic, the whole world can follow this important event very closely.
The request for sponsorship from Norway was forwarded to the members. We do not know today what the end results of this are.
• We would like to ask the various countries to report their activities, even if they are only national, so that they can be placed on the website. These could possibly be moments of international meeting.

Next meeting:  18/05/2021 20h30.
Jan Verbeeck

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