Present: Dr. Maier, Austria; John Goddard-Fenwick, GB, Jenny Johnson, Jochen Noesinger, Olaf Van Leeuwen (replacing Maureen Van Bon), Jan Verbeeck.
Excused: Maureen Van Bon, Leif Grimbühler
After the opening of the meeting, Jenny welcomed the members present and in particular the representatives from Austria and the UK. They were invited as part of our "tour around the Fjordhorse World".
What about the Fjord Horse in Austria?
What about the organization?
Österreichischer Zuchtverband für Ponies, Kleinpferde und Spezialrassen / ÖZP
• In Austria, the breed association ÖZP is responsible for 28 different small breeds.
• In addition to this association, there are also 2 regional associations active. The collaboration between these three organizations is not self-evident.
• There is 1 national show and at least 2 regional shows, on which the horses can qualify for the national show.
• The association affiliated with FjHI had 4 stallions and 25 mares at its disposal in 2020. 3 foals were born. In the other associations there are 3 stallions active.
• The evolution of the population fluctuates strongly. She relies heavily on the presence at larger events and the commitment of enthusiasts to promote the Fjord Horse.
The Fjord Horse is mainly used as a family horse and by different generations of users.
The national horse breeds in Austria are the Haflinger, the Noriker and the Lipizzaner.
What about the Fjord Horse in tn UK?
We thank John Goddard-Fenwick for explaining us the current situation in the UK. Preparation note of this topic by the secretary of the U.K , is attached to these minutes.
See attachment here
FjHI GA 2021
• We will organize the GA digitally on 15/05/2021 as we did in 2020. Jochen and Jan will take care of the preparation for this. They will make a time schedule of the communication and sent a proposal with all the e-mails to the other board members.
• Jan sends emails to get confirmation about the national representatives.
• Asle Espe prepares the financial report and the demand to the members to pay their fee.
• The board chooses to return to the custom of asking candidates for board elections from the various countries. With this, the board hopes to optimize the democratic content of our association. An e-mail with a request for candidacy will be sent to the various members.
New Zealand
We had to conclude that, as a correction to the previous consultations, we do not have enough information to grant full membership here now. The board chooses to give New Zealand "B" membership status, with no voting rights and reduced membership fee.
2022: FjHI 25 years! To be placed on the agenda of the next meeting.
Time schedule Sports activities
• Sweden?
• EC 2022: Denmark
• EC 2024: Germany. first ideas IGF 50 years!
• To schedule / to form a Zoom EC Sportcommittee
Rimondo: see attachment here
Additional info to the report of the previous meeting.
Rimondo is a professional, international horse database. A subsidiary of an agricultural publishing house in Lower Saxony, in Germany. It is publicly viewable and editable.
Natascha, "the german girl" is a "freelance hobby worker" who is made for fun and enthusiasm worldwide Fjordhorses recorded in this database. She is not an employee of Rimondo. She is also in contact with Sander Willems from time to time about Belgian horses. Natascha would be very happy if she would receive digital official catalogs from the different countries, so that she can process this data in her file.
International judge conference
The international judge conference will take place on 13/04 and 20/04 20h00 – 22h00.
• 13th April: Susan Hellum makes a lecture on breed character and movements.
We watch the video from Norges Fjordhestlag about the performance test. Susan makes live comments.
Short orientation from 2-4 member countries on their way of judging a horse (show the scheme, what age do the horses go to testing and so on)
Judges from the participating countries judge 2-3 horses by photo and possible video. We can use "Forms", were all can write their points in at the same time.
• 20th April: Nils Ivar Dolvik makes a lecture on leg confirmation and expected problems from unwanted leg confirmations
There can be more than one judge from each country, but only one person per country presenting their judging scheme and so on.
Jenny will make an invitation for the judges.
Norges Fjordhorse senter will organize the technical part of this conference.
Stallion show
• Norway: Jenny asks to send the medals that FjHI and also the individual countries would present at the stallion show to the secretariat in Nordfjordeid.
• Germany: planned : FN Stallion show during the “Grüne Woche” 01/2022
Next meeting : 06/04/2021 20h30.
Jan Verbeeck
- Details
Category: Minutes 2021
Published: 22 March 2021
Hits: 787