

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

written by Jan Verbeeck

Present: Jenny, Jan, Jochen, Maureen, Jacky and Anne Erwein, Sabine Muench v.Ah
Excused: Leif

Welcome: Jenny welcomes all attendees, especially the substitutes from France and Switzerland.

1. Situation in Switzerland: Sabine Munch outlines the current Swiss situation of the Fjord horse.
a. Breeding:
- Keeping horses is very expensive in Switzerland, due to the shortage of pasturage. This also makes breeding very expensive, so this only rarely happens. For Swiss it is more interesting to buy a horse in Germany or France than to breed there yourself.
- Switzerland has 2 stallions that are currently no longer used.
b. Studbook activities:
- In 2020 there were virtually no studbook activities due to the corona crisis.
- The G.A. did take place in 02/2020.
c. Use: The members are mainly active in amateur sports together with other pony and horse breeds: agility.
d. Question to FHI: can more good video material be provided for the various sports components in Fjord Sport? This would be nice for the Swiss. They can better compare their own level of the tests with the foreign level

2. Situation in France: Jacky and Anne Ernwein outline the current French situation of the Fjord horse. Follow-up from previous meeting:
a. Breeding:
- 90 foals were born in 2020, of which 30 by Jacky.
- The demand for trained horses exceeds the supply. There are also quite a few exports. Jacky advocates the correct pricing of horses from all age categories, so that the quality is appreciated.
b. Studbook activities: The anniversary in 2019 was a milestone. Unfortunately, the international presence fell short of expectations. Working with international teams was a boost.
c. Use:
- The French Fjord horse enthusiast is mainly looking for a good and reliable family horse for all age categories.
- Participation in sports activities is on the rise.
d. Question to FHIand Norges Fjordhestlag: Jenny will take both this questions to the meeting of NFL
- Can Norges Fjordhestlag pay more attention to the problem of summer exeme? This very annoying - and possibly hereditary condition - occurs too regularly in the breeding products of Norwegian imports. This makes the investment in Norwegian horses less and less attractive. Jenny circulated a study containing the results of a genetic study of summer exeme in Icelandic horses in Sweden.
- FHI should stimulate the international Fjord horse world more to exchange and cooperation. Jury members at inspections, participation in activities… This will benefit the international image and quality of the Fjord Horse.

3. Follow-up to previous report: Maureen gets the green light to circulate the inventory document.

Next meeting: Date: 18/01/2021 20h30

Additional guests: Germany (Susanne Petersen) and Sweden (Helena Kättström),
possibly: Zoltan Nemeth, Hungary

Jenny wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are all looking forward to 2021, in which, hopefully, activities and meetings can be organized again gradually.

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