

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Attending: Maureen, Jochen, Jan, Leif, Jenny

1) GA papers: Jochen took us through the GA papers. We are awaiting Asle’s financial report. The annual report is ready. Also awaiting the final invitation from NFL about the meeting in Sagastad. The time for the GA will be set due to the stallion show and what goes on there. If the financial situation is ok we do not make changes in the fees. Idea from Jan: after the GA to show the historical movie again, with English translation. The invitation to the GA goes out on e-mail and will be published on the web page as usual. The topics for this years information part is:

• Breeding statistics, by Jochen
• How to use DNA samples to build an international register of Fjords, by Nils Ivar
• Discussion: how would we like to see a performance test we can agree on, suggestion by Maureen and further discussions
• Status for the Fjord in an international report, by Magni (Norsk Fjordhestsenter).

When the papers are ready you will get them on e-mail before they are published.

2) Information from Denmark: it is very important to publish the level and the vaccines for the EC2020. Please reach out to your country and make them spread the word.

3) Test to agree on in order to make it comparable performance tests for all countries - where do we start? Maureen is working on collecting the judge points. We must all send to her for our countries. This will be a topic for discussion in the GA.

4) We are receiving questions about FjHIs work on inbreeding. Do we make guidelines? Jenny will make a proposal together with Hanne Fjerdingby Olsen. It goes to you all on e-mail for approval.

5) Information about news on the international register. See the e-mail. Maureen asks if we can also detect genetic defects to using this DNA analysis. Jenny will talk with Hanne about this.

6) News on the international judge conference: Leif and Asle are working on the practical things. All is going well.

7) Next meeting: 2nd April 20.45 on Skype.

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