

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Skype meeting Jan. 15th, 2020 - 20:30 

Attending: Jan, Jochen, Maureen, Jenny
Not present: Leif

1) Website: Michelle gave us information about Christel and the work she is willing to do for us. She will keep the website format, but update and run security on it. She will keep track of the time spent on the work and FjHI pay her for it. The payment will reflect our gratitude but we are not able to pay the real price for such a work. The board is very happy to accept her offer and are looking forward to her contribution.

2) Members of sports Committees: The Danish Fjord Horse Association need the names of the sports Committee People from your countries to join a Facebook Group regarding EC2020. Please remember to send me the names from your countries.

3) The GA2020: Elections: Jan, Jochen and Jenny have all agreed to continue the work in the board. We must make it clear in the papers for the GA that we welcome proposals of other members for the board. Location of the GA: Norges Fjordhestlag has proposed to host a meeting for international guests at Sagastad (sagastad.no) and suggests that we also run the GA there. The open meeting will have a lecture or a topic of interest for all fjord horse people. We agree to go on with this suggestion, if the price is acceptable. It will probably be good to run a meeting before the GA in order to make FjHI more accessible and interesting for those not involved at the moment.

4) Ticket to the Stallion show at Nordfjordeid: the board thinks it is of great importance in terms of showing hospitality that the tickets are free for international guests. Also, the cost of staying in Norway for a week is significant and the free ticket makes a difference. A free ticket will be most appreciated.

5) Information about the Project International Register: see the e-mail from Magni. Jan asked it we can do anything to contribute; I will forward the question.

6) Request from Maureen to start work on a test for the horses that all Fjord Horse countries can agree on, to make it more similar and comparable. We all check this or start the work and get back to this in the next meeting.

7) E-mail from The Netherlands regarding inbreeding. Do we start working with guidelines to our members in terms of avoiding inbreeding? Topic for our next meeting.

8) Next meeting 19th February 20.30 on Skype

Agenda for the next meeting:
1) Final call for the papers for the GA
2) Test to agree on in order to make it comparable
3) FjHIs work on inbreeding – guidelines?

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