International Fjordhorse Conference in Norsk Fjordhestsenter, Nordfjordeid, Norway
On invitation of the Fjord Horse International Organization, an International Conference took place on Wednesday, 29th April 2015 for everybody interested in the fjord horse.
The meeting was leaded by the Norwegian president of the FjHI, Nils Ivar Dolvik. On behalf of the FjHI board, he could welcome participants from Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Great-Britain, Netherlands and Norway. The aim of the reunion in Nordfjordeid is to have a forum on international level, which gives the opportunity to bring persons together who all are interested in the fjord horse and also gives information, thoughts and makes it possible to exchange experiences.
After a nice musical welcome, the large agenda was proposed and the exchanges could start.
Nils Ivar opened the conference with information about the situation and the evolution of the Norwegian stallion tests, considerations that are not definitively determined on this moment.
Prof. Gunnar Klemesdal introduced a new scientific study project concerning inbreeding. The study will start with Norwegian and Swedish fjord horse mares and the first conclusions will be forwarded in autumn.
Following the same topic, Maureen van Bon proposed the inbreeding calculation from the Netherlands to the assembly.
Jochen Nösinger presented the new international breeding statistics for fjord horses. Unfortunately the evolution trends over the years and for all the concerned countries, continues going backwards.
Unfortunately, Zoltán Nemeth could not participate at this conference and Nils Ivar Dolvik presented the evolution of the fjord horse breed in Hungary.
Jacky Ernwein proposed the tests as they are applied in France since several years. These tests can be done by all the fjord horses and also the stallions are prepared for them.
The conference was closed with thanks to the hosts, the participants and speakers.
Jochen Nösinger, board member
Free translation German/English (MD) - Pictures below from Jochen Nösinger.
Breeding Statistics completed with data for 2014 :
Registered Evaluated Breeding Mares
- Details
Category: FjHI Conferences
Published: 06 May 2015
Hits: 31008