Written by Nils Ivar Dolvik
Skype Meeting of Sunday 5th of november 2017 - 20:30 to 21:30
Board members: Nils Ivar Dolvik – Jochen Nösinger – michelle Delaurier
Absent: Maureen van Bon - Inger Davidsson
1. Welcome by Nils Ivar Nils wishes welcome and thanks Jochen for bringing us together on Skype.
2. Progression of the points
- Performance test from member countries
- DNA –testing among member countries
- UELN – information from member countries
Except of a mail from Susanne Petersen where she said she was not on time concerning the overview of the performance tests, we in the Board and at least me have not heard anything from the groups that should work with these three issues.
Therefore, we will send a reminder to the involved substitutes. We hoped to take the results in a joint meeting the 20th of November. That will now be postponed. Proposals: 27th November or better 4th December.
Important is to be able to start the questionnaires in the FHI member countries! Further we would like to give this information to the delegates from FHI in a conference in May in connection with the general assembly 2018.
3. The rules to the European championships are delayed. To get that into progress we decided at our meeting to give the rules, the comment from Petra Ohly and Maureen van Bon to Aina Huseby to get improvement and let her finish a version to be discussed at the general assembly.
4. Berit Bergset is asked to take over the work with the website as Michelle Delaurier wanted replacement after several years.
- Details
Category: Minutes 2017
Published: 11 December 2017
Hits: 1321