

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

MINUTES of the board meeting by skype conference
24th of March 2014 – 8 pm

Participant board members:
Nils Ivar Dolvik, president – Inger Davidsson - Maureen van Bon –
Jochen Nösinger – Michelle Delaurier

Rules European Championships

Nils was sending the short contents of Maureen's document, we received comments from Petra and Michelle was given some comments to open the discussion.
Cassandre will bring her comments to Hamburg.
Inger will bring the Swedish rules to Hamburg with translation in English of the main parts.
We need a structure of the "general rules", decide what is important or not and help from the sport ladies regarding the part with the disciplines dressage-jumping-driving.
There are different views in the countries about the ages of the horses.
Best should be to have a good document we all understand to be proposed at the G.A.
It is too difficult to discuss this during a Skype meeting and this means the meeting in Hamburg together with Cassandre and Petra will be crucial to go forward in this matter.


Some of us will arrive on Friday and we can meet on Friday evening for a short preparation.
On Saturday 5th of April 9.30 AM the meeting will start and Saturday will be reserved to the E.C. matters.
Sunday morning will be used to prepare the GA and conference of May.
The mobile phone numbers of each of us must be transferred to Nils.

Future of the FjHI

We have to think about brand new ideas for the FjHI future and discuss it in Hamburg.

G.A. and Conference May 2014

For the good organisation of the conference we need a person to present the Norwegian breeding plan (Nils shall do it on condition his voice is better) and a person to comment the new test method.
Norway thinks about starting the stallion show on Wednesday and this is a problem for our international meetings. Nils will talk with them and keep us informed as soon as the program is available.

Jochen will collect information at FN Germany how to organize an international breeding show.
All docs should be in English language.
The FjHI Handbook for Judges will be the basic for this event. A committee should be set up at the GA.

Thanks to all of you for this meeting.


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