MINUTES OF THE SKYPE MEETING of Tuesday 25th November 2014
Participation of all board members : Nils Ivar Dolvik – Inger Davidsson – Maureen van Bon – Jochen Nösinger – Michelle Delaurier
Nils Ivar, president, welcomes the board members.
He has the pleasure to announce a new Association Member in 2014: the Association for Pony Breeds of Hungary, represented by Mr Zoltán Németh for the Fjord horses. Michelle will send an e-mail to all the FjHI members to welcome Hungary and in the meantime to announce the new homepage that should be ready in the first days of December. The old pages disappeared after a hacking but the information could be saved. We thank webmaster Berit Irene Bergset who's creating the new pages.
Jochen informs us that the I.G.F. decided not to participate at the Equitana next year. The stallion show and the Fjord horse village will not be organized. This decision is due to a lack of volunteers and financial support. A small village or stand for the FjHI organization only is too expensive and cannot be realized. The organization of a conference during the Equitana Fair is not interesting as there will be no Fjord horses and the entrance fee to the fair is expensive.
- The Nordic Championships will be organized in Sweden. Guests are welcome to participate and a foreign fjord horse can be winner of his class but cannot receive the Championship title. Date: from 23th to 26th July. Place to be communicated.
- Norwegian Championships: from 7th to 11th July at Stavsplassen, Oppland
- German Championships : 7th to 9th August nearby Köln
- Netherlands Championships : 5th July in Hoenderloo
The Championships will be announced on the FjHI website.
Cassandra was sending her comments on the proposal, set up for the E.C. regulations and she thinks these rules should be closer to the FEI rules. On the other hand, the level should not be too high if we want more people and horses participating in the different classes.
Further study of the regulations will be based on two documents to be analyzed in the Netherlands: the proposal with Cassandra's comments and the rules of the Nordisk Championships. These last ones are summarized in 3 pages but don't exist in English. Inger will send the pages to Nils for translation. Maureen will send the comments for mid-January and together with Inger, they'll make a final document.
We should ask the FEI if they can tolerate our regulations and they will be send out to the different organization countries to be read.
This event is very interesting and could give the opportunity to meet and bring together several judges. However, the breeding associations cannot sponsor and that is a problem. The organization will be expensive and to make it attractive to participate, price money should be available.
Anyhow, the board decides to go on with this project and a work group of 2 or 3 persons will be established. Nils will ask someone from the Fjordhest Center and Jochen asks Susan Petersen. These persons will be invited to participate at the next Skype board meeting.
In the meantime, we should look for sponsors among private enterprises, insurance and transport companies.
In Nordfjordeid, in occasion of the Norwegian stallion show.
Dates to be confirmed : Tuesday 28th April until Saturday 2nd of May.
The FjHI General Assembly should be on Wednesday 29th April.
Proposed topics for the conference:
- Research data and looking at horses with judges
- Inbreeding
- Stallion test
- Jochen is asking the substitutes if they can attend in a Skype meeting.
- The responsible person for the Fjord horse breed in Hungary shall be invited for acquaintance on the next Skype meeting.
- Beginning next year, the breeding associations shall be invited to complete the breeding statistics 2014.
- Nils will attend a breeding show in the USA in February (10th – 17th).
- Contacts for individual supporting members are running.
- Tuesday 27th January
European Championship rules – International exhibition
- Tuesday 24th February
- Tuesday 31st March
- Tuesday 14th April
- Details
Category: Minutes 2014
Published: 12 December 2014
Hits: 1638