

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Due to the Corona situation the assembly was held through email. According to Norwegian law this is allowed also for organisations, such as FjHI.
The program for approval of the General Assembly FjHI 2020 was sent by e-mail on 6th May 2020 (asked to answer up to 12. May)
For the members who did not answer at the above date, the approval on all the contents would be noted.

All members answered in time.

1. Legal invitation of the GA and presentation of the Notice
The invitation was sent out via e-mail, asking the members for their permission to hold the GA via e-mail. All accepted.

2. The participants of the GA and their voting rights (member - representative - votes) 
Canada, Brian Jensen, 10 votes
United Kingdom, Lyn Moran , 10
USA, Rory Miller, 10
Belgium, Tijl Delahaye, 10
Germany, Jochen Nösinger, 10
Austria , Manfred Mayer , 10
Australia, Julia Grave, 10
Sweden, Helena Kättström, 10
The Netherlands, Maureen von Bon or Olaf van Leeuwen, 10
France, Jacques Ernwein, 10
Switzerland, Sabine Münch, 10
The Fjord Horse Association, Norway , Hege Sæther Moen, 10
Norwegian Equine Centre, Norway, Cecilie Gaarder Skaug, 10
Hungary, Zoltàn Nèmeth, 10
Denmark, Dinna Thingstrup Mouritzen, 10
Susanne Petersen, private member1
Arne Presthus, private member1

Note: Some have had technical problems with the payments. Magni Flyum at Norsk Fjordhestsenter will follow up on the practical issues with the members that this involves.

3. Election of the chairman and a secretary of the GA
The GA had no chairman nor secretary this year. The email correspondence was organised by Michelle Delaurier and President Jenny Wright Johnsen.

4. Election of two members to sign the minutes
Helena Kättström and Jochen Nösinger were elected to sign the minutes.

5. Annual report
The annual report is enclosed.
The GA approved the annual report.

6. Report Annual Accounts 2019 and GA approval
Accounts and the financial situation are enclosed.
The financial report shows the sums that came into the bank account this financial year. The auditor has checked that this corresponds to the payments.
The list of members shows who paid for what year. The Norwegian Fjord Horse Centre will keep this registry and update it in advance of the annual meeting.
There will be deviations for various reasons. The main reasons are:
- Membership fees are paid in another financial year.
- Fees due to international transactions. To avoid fees not being fully paid in the years to come, Norsk Fjordhestsenter will make a note specifically saying how the payment must be done so that the right amount is transferred as a fee. T
he GA approved the financial reports.

7. Statement of the Auditor
The signed report of the auditor Knut Rasmus Hjelle is enclosed.
The GA approved the statement.

8. Relieve of the FjHI board of the 2019 supervision and accounts
The GA relieved the FjHI Board.

9. Fees 2021 (Statutes § 4)
The annual fee of 1.000 NOK for breeding associations and 300 NOK for personal members remains unchanged.

10. Elections
The GA elected :
• President: Jenny Wright Johnsen for 1 year
• Member of the board: Jochen Nösinger, Germany, for 2 years
• Member of the board: Jan Verbeeck, for 2 years
• Substitute: Susanne Petersen, for 2 years
• Auditor: Knut Rasmus Hjelle; for 1 year

All on election agree their mandate.

11. Next GA 2021
The next GA will take place on the 5th May 2021 at Nordfjordeid, Norway.

Jenny Wright Johnsen
FjHI President, Norway

Signing the minutes :
Helena Kättström  and Jochen Nösinger

PDF version with signatures

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