

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Wednesday, 2nd May, Nordfjordeid, Nordfjord Hotel

FjHI President Nils I. Dolvik opened the assembly at 17:15 o'clock and welcomed the participants.

1. Legal invitation of the GA and presentation of the Notice
The invitation was sent out in time, also published on the FjHIHomepage

2. The participants of the GA and their voting rights
Participants of the meeting: see file
Gilly Banks, representing UK
Olaf van Leeuwen, representing The Netherlands
Linda Ahlén, representing Sweden
Jochen Nösinger, representing Germany
Janne Seilen, representing Norway

3. Approval of the Agenda
approved. No comments and additions

4. Election of the chairman and a secretary of the GA
Nils I Dolvik: Chairman
Secretary : together Maureen van Bon and Jochen Nösinger

5. Election of two members to sign the minutes
Gilly Banks (UK) and Linda Ahlén (SWE) are elected

6. Annual report of the President
Nils explained his short report, which was sent before the meeting to the member countries.
He comments specially the problems (less work together and communication) with the projectwork « EC Rules » .
• Several meetings board of FHI
• EU rules are finished
• FjHI has been presented in several meetings/shows
• FjHI anniversary 20 year in 2017 : with presentation of A. Presthus, J. Hegrenes and Eike Schön-Petersen
• Different breeding goals in the FjHI countries
• He reported also about the FjHI questionnaires UELN, DNA and PF
Main topic of the International Fjord conference in the today´s afternoon.

7. Report Annual Accounts 2017 and GA approval
Accounts and the financial situation presented as published on the homepage.
Nils presented the signed report of the auditor Knut Rasmus Hjelle.

8. Relieve of the FjHI board of the 2017 supervision and accounts
The GA relieves the FjHI Board.

9. Budget 2018
No budget was presented cause of the small financial transactions

10. Fees 2018 (Statutes § 4)
The annual fee of 1.000 NOK for Breeding Associations and 300 NOK
for personal members remain unchanged.

Arne Presthus was elected to be the election supervisor.
On his and the GA's proposals the GA elected :

• President: Nils Dolvik, 1 year, elected without objections
• Two Board Members:
Michelle Delaurier (was not on re-election)
Jan Verbeeck, Belgium, proposed from the Breed Org. Belgium, elected for two years without objections
• Jochen Nösinger, two years, elected without objections
• Substitute Susanne Petersen, elected for two years, without objections
• Auditor: Knut Rasmus Hjelle; 1 year, without objections.

All elected agreed their mandate.

Nils I. Dolvik informed the GA, that the FjHI cashier Berit Bergset, NOR, because of family reasons has no time anymore to go on with this job and the FjHI homepage.
Therefore, we need new support.

Nils talked before the assembly with Asle Espen, NOR , to go on for FjHI with the financial tasks. He agreed and the assembly too !

For the work with the Homepage nobody was willing to do this task.

12. FJHI EC Rules: discussion and confirmation for the FjHI
Nils and Maureen explained the situation and the difficulties during the projectwork , started in 2012 with very first ideas. The EC Rules are based on the International FEI Rules.
There was very less communication from the FjHI countries but help and support from different active sportlers!
The Board proposes the « Fjord EC Rules » for voluntary use in the countries who plan ECs
in the future. But the rules are in progress !

The assembly agreed !

13. Summeries of the FjHI questionnaires UELN; DNA and Performance test
Cause all the participants took part in the International Conference in the afternoon, where the results have been presented and discussed, this topic was quit.

14. Free discussion and new ideas
The results of the 3 FjHI questionnaires should not be the end of the process.
If there are mistakes or incorrectness in the conclusions or summaries the countries are asked to get in contact / keep contact with the FjHI Board.
The results should be published on the Homepage.

15. Others
The board and the assembly were not very pleased that not all member countries
were present on the GA.
16. Next GA 2019
At the moment not decided, cause the 1st May in 2019 is on Wednesday

17. Final and closing
Nils I. Dolvik closed the assembly at 18:05 o´clock.

Nils Ivar Dolvik, President, NOR

Maureen van Bon, Secretary, NL                  Jochen Nösinger, Secretary, GER

Signing the minutes:

Gilly Banks, UK                                               Linda Ahlén , SWE

 ORIGINAL PAGES AND SIGNATURES : click on the page below

PAGE 1                 PAGE 2                    PAGE 3 (signatures)

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